About Us
Cobb Christmas is a non-profit, non-denominational organization,
dedicated to helping the low-income and working-poor families
of Cobb County during the holiday season.

What We Do
With the help of hundreds of volunteers, Cobb Christmas provides gifts to children ages infant through fifteen. Each child receives a minimum of three age appropriate toys.
By doing this, it is our hope that we are helping to spread and keep alive the true spirit of Christmas - not to just our clients, but also to our donors and volunteers
Who We Are
Cobb Christmas is a non-profit, non-denominational organization, dedicated to helping the low-income and working-poor families of Cobb County during the holiday season. Our organization is run 100% by volunteers, allowing us to invest the majority of funds we raise each year directly into our client services.
Eligible Families
Be residents of Cobb County
- Meet low-income requirements
- We are serving children ages 3 to 12 years
- May not receive holiday assistance from any other source.
Qualifying families are given an appointment to receive food and toys during our annual distribution. The distribution is operated by hundreds of volunteers who sort and select food and toys for individual client families.